Friday 3 April 2015


Spring is well and truly sprung here in my garden....I know my Husband will yell at me that it is still mid winter! But the days are so nice at the minute, not too warm but just enough to get out with a coat on and do some gardening. In the bed that we have running down the side of the back garden there are plenty of Daffodils coming out! Another week and it will be totally glorious!

At the end of that bed, just before the Lilac tree there is a little Christmas Rose/ Hellebore. I rescued it from the other side of the garden when we had our extension a couple of years ago and put it in here. Apart from the obvious slug damage it seems to be doing well....I hope that it continues to grow well.

Even my veggie beds are starting to show a few shoots....I planted some onion and garlic out at the end of December and they are coming up now! Trouble is....I did not label and therefore have no idea which is which!!!!

And the lovely Viburnum that I also saved from the other side! This was such a huge plant that it seemed sad not to try and save it! It is not too healthy but I think I will give it a proper mulch and see what happens.

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