Sunday 31 May 2015

Other Spring Flowers.

 I love Forget-me-nots! True spring flower. I had to run out the other day as my other half had mowed half of them down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are NOT weeds!

And the Bluebells, I do believe they are the true English variety, not the Spanish bulldog ones that are taking over.

The Tulips.....we do not have many of these left after our extension, I will have to recitify this I think next year.

And the Apple Blossom, we have 3 apple trees and they are all stunning.

I love spring!

Monday 25 May 2015

New wooden plaques

I have decided to try and make some wooden plaques as these always seem to be popular.

I particularly like the 'Smile, it confuses people' one.

I also did some Dad ones for Fathers Day. Below you can see them hanging on my dresser at the garden center. Quite a few of my magnets went as well over Easter so I will be doing a load more of them for the Summer break. I think the children buy them as teacher gifts.

Friday 22 May 2015

10 things

10 craft related things this time! I have been sorting through my stash and found that I have huge amounts of kids paint, so there is a fair amount of that to go. Also, I have no idea why but for ages I have been saving those polstyrene pizza bases so they are going too.Also random other bits of card and paper and tissue paper.

This little lot will be delivered to the reception class at school as they get through SOOOO much paint and crafty bits with the children. The little Diva brings sacks full of crafty makes everyday! 

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Dad Coasters

In half term, which is actually not that far away,..2 days, I am going to be holding a little craft session where children can pop in and design their own coasters for their dads.

These are some of the samples/ideas ones that I have made up.

I thought I would have some hearts as well in case they did not want to do a coaster or there was a family with 2 or 3 kids and they wanted different things for their fathers day gifts.

They are wooden coasters and hearts, and I simply have some wood pens that I actually came across at a bootfair for only £2 I think. So I snapped them up as they are always very expensive if you buy them new.
Lets just hope lots of kids come to make some as I have a fair few in stock. I am only charging £1.75 for each one too so it is not too expensive.

Monday 18 May 2015

Father's Day Pints

I realise it is just over a month till Fathers Day here in the UK, but I have started early in the hope of selling lots of my Best Dad pint glasses. They are totally dishwasher proof and I also do orders locally.

As a friend said, they look a bit like the Purple Ronnie sketches that were around in the '80's. I only put them into the garden center a week ago and have already sold 3 of them so I have a feeling these will be good. I only sell them at £3.50 each to make them affordable for the children to buy out of their own money. They also go well at Christmas time so if I have any left they will go in my Christmas glass box!

Friday 15 May 2015

10 things to go time!

A very random selection of toys that the kids never play with, deodrant I have no idea why we ever brought and some car seats.

I put the car seats on FB free site as they have been sitting in the garage for about 2 years now and the covers are going slightly mouldy so may not be good for some kids, they hopefully just need a proper good clean though, and someone has already shown some interest so hopefully they will be gone by tonight!

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Stage 1 of the new compost.

It was on my list of things that I wanted to do this year...make a new compost,,,,,and here is the start.
I managed to collect up 4 pallets from a neighbours house. I am halfway through bolting them together at the moment. Then, I need to staple some netting on the inside and hey presto!

As you can see, there is already a small amount of compost in there! Hubby noticed them last last and commented....and surprisingly did not call me 'pikey'! Wow, does that mean he actually likes it??

Today I am out in the garden again, hoping that the hayfever does not hit me too hard, digging a new bed for some of the veggies we have coming up.

Monday 11 May 2015

First sowings of the year.

I have tried to do more runner beans this year , as we had so many last year and the kids love them. However, they are in the recycled loo rolls and show no sign of life after 3 weeks....I think I may have to give up on these ones this year! 

The peas are doing fantastically though, they are in the back blue basket and there are 3 plants per pot in there. I thought I would plant some  of these this year, as one of my fond memories of picking and eating peas fresh from the pod. I have no intention of these actually ever being cooked.....natures sweets!

The ones at the front in the other blue basket, are courgettes and they seem to be coming up well too. Not sure what I will land up doing with these as they produce loads each plant and take up quite a lot of space. May have to give some of these away I think....keep 2 or 3.

in the other little pots are borage and flowers, so we will keep an eye on these.

I think I need to get my butt into gear and dig another bed!... As it is due to rain tomorrow I think Wednesday will be perfect with the wet ground to dig a new bed. Will post pics when done.

Friday 8 May 2015

10 things to go!

And...My latest clear out!

Mainly shoes that I found were too small for the kids....why do they always need new shoes for the very last term! Then new ones again in September? I try to buy them shoes from the supermarkets at this time of year to save a bit of money and then in the new Autumn term buy them proper Clarkes shoes again!
The toilet seat will go straight in the bin, not sure people want second hand ones of these. The potty is a toy one for the Baby Annabel dolls, as is the playgym, so they will go to the charity shop. My old coat has finally seen better days...I had it second hand and it has lasted me, wearing it daily in the winter for 3 years so it has had a long life me feels. All the boys shoes are Clarkes ones so I will save for my nephew.
How come there is always so much to get rid of????

Spring Garden!

It is the most beautiful time of the year, in the garden that is! A Cowslip has somehow self seeded over the last couple of years! Absolutely wonderful! I always mow around it....if I asked my other half to do that he would look at me and tell me not to be ridiculous! 
I may dig it up when it has finished flowering this year and find a more suitable location for it!

The carb apple tree is in the height of its blossom at the moment and looks stunning. Although I feel it is getting a little too tall! I may have to have a good prune this year.

The raised bed from last year is still going and the garlic and onions that I sowed earlier in the year are really coming is the weird palm tree like weed....must pull out!

The Lilac tree is just about to do its full glory! I can already smell it though.

Just been out to mow the lawn too and my hayfever has started already....normally it hits me in June! This is really bad news! I have so much to do out there still. 

Tuesday 5 May 2015


O dear, I have missed a posting day....Bank Holidays!  But....
We have finally put up our trampoline! I brought it in the Easter holidays as the kids have mentioned several times that they miss the baby trampoline that we used to have. Also, Argus had them on such a brilliant offer that I could not not get one. On the instructions it says that it is supposed to take two adults 2 hours to put up....6 hours later we went to bed and left the netting to be tied the next morning!

Was all worth it though, the kids love it!

Friday 1 May 2015


To get away from all the glass posts that I have been doing I thought I would show you all how much our little kitten, Tipsy, has grown. She is still only 8 months old but has more than doubled in size since we got her in October. She loves sitting in a basket of whatever I am doing, or trying to sit on the keyboard when I am typing! She did look very cute in this basket though.

However, I do need to do some Fathers Day Glasses, pint glasses in the very near future, so those will be coming soon!