Monday 27 January 2014

Hand Painted Glassware!

     Got around to doing some glass painting on Saturday eve, as hubby was out with a mate. It amazes me how absorbing it is...I was still up and in my craft room when he got home! Here are two of the finished designs...

                           For this first one I got my inspiration from a post on Pinterest the other day...
                             I thought the hand painted lavender looked right for Mothers Day (30th March this year!!!)
                                  Then with Valentines on the horizon I thought that hand painted red spots could be valentines and brought out again at Christmas!

      Will have to post the other couple of bits I have done in a day or two when they have finished baking and drying etc!

     My little girl attends a singing group near where we live on a Monday am and for the first time since Sept she actually sung so that people could hear her!!!!!! She found her courage bless her...she was so happy about it.

    Also, totally irrelevant but our car now has to be in for repair tomorrow am as the exhaust is about to fall off...this month has been soooooo expensive for things going wrong!

Saturday 25 January 2014

Coffee Morning Sale!

Yay! First 'fair' of the 'at home' coffee morning and evening drinks at a friends house...Will have to start doing a bit more of my glassware....

     What have I done the last few days....
     Well..these are my Magnetic Pegs...only managed to do 7 packs before I ran out of pegs! Doh...
These are regularly a best seller at any fairs that I attend no matter what time of year, so I always make sure I have at least 10 packs in stock.

                                               And a few of the hama bead creations

                                     This was my middle sons pumpkin in a star! he loved making it.


                                           And this was my daughters once ironed!

And I have decided that I will make sure she knows her alphabet properly before school....the boys both did! So we started naturally, but chosen by her at A!

Going to attempt to do some glass bits now...that way there will be enought time to 'fire' them in the oven....40 mins at 160 Degrees centigrade. Will put some photos on once 'fired'!

Wednesday 22 January 2014


Forgot that I had a committee meeting last night so did not have time to post anything....We have just had a lovely morning too with some of my little girls friends to play! Prior to them coming we made mini cupcakes and iced them and did some Hama beads!
This is one of my Baby 'Cake' Hampers! Otherwise known as Nappy Cakes! I made it a couple of days ago and it is in one of the local shops for sale. The elephant in it is just so cute but also BIG, so instead of making a 2 or 3 tier 'nappy cake' I kept it to 1 tier...hope fully it will sell quickly.
      I have a busy afternoon today too...after picking up my 2 boys from school, we do homework so it is all done and they have rest of week free, then wolf down some supper to get out for Beavers on time! Directly we get back from Beavers it is kiddy bedtime....then this eve my husband and I are watching a DVD...we don't get time together! Looking forward to it though....
     Also looking at the garden and thinking I could actually start sowing some seeds soon... runner beans, french beans, radishes and carrots are all a must for this year!

Monday 20 January 2014

It worked!

Wow! It actually worked...I am truly amazed!
Right I will try to find my way back here tomorrow and post a couple of my crafting endevours up for public scrutiny!

It's a start...

Well....its a start! I am going to do a lot more this year....I say that every year and never really that if I have to post a couple of things every week it would keep me going.

I am Catherine, a mum of 3 in Sussex. I try to do a lot of crafting (of which I will hopefully be able to show you soon!), I attend craft fairs with my bits, play with the kids, try to fit housework in and a massive garden (this is one of things I WILL pay attention to this year). 

That's me and my youngest last summer...she looks as cheeky as she is with 2 older brothers to contend with! 
Ok am leaving it at that for the moment to see how this looks and how easy this blogspot is to work out for a computer illiterate bod like me:-)