Wednesday 2 April 2014

Easter Hols around the corner!

Another 1 week of school before the Easter break...I really hope the weather warms up considerably!!!
What to do with the kids....well I have already invited a cousin to stay for a sleepover and to meet him in Lewes at Monkey Biz...the kids will love to go there again, then there is a chess friend who wants to come on the Friday in the middle.
I am thinking of inviting a friend or two for each of the kids one day if it warms up...hmm maybe 9 kids is just too many! But the older ones would be easy, little ones just like to do craft and much around in the garden so would it really be too bad....will have to think on that one!
I have done it!!! The kids have called it Mummies Mad Monday! My eldest son has 3 friends coming, my middle son has 2 friends coming and my daughter has 2 friends coming as well! This is going to be one busy day! Luckily it is the first day of the hols so hopefully the weather will play along and we will be able to do lots of stuff in the garden!
On the Tuesday their cousin is coming and staying till Wednesday...again hopefully the weather will play ball and they will be out lots.
On Thursday there is a birthday party that my eldest is going to for most of the day and I will have to think up something exciting the the two littles.
Friday..our chess friends are coming.
Saturday we have various things lined up but from then I will not be posting till after Easter as we have various days out and relatives coming etc.....
Sorry for an all word boring post!

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