Wednesday 2 April 2014

Magnolia Tree

When we were looking for somewhere to move 5 years ago, my specifications were quite simple really: it had to have a Magnolia tree in the front garden and lots of fruit trees in the back! So it was fantastic that just around from our house we found our ideal home where we now live. It has a splendid Magnolia tree in the front that is about 50years old I think and a lot of fruit trees in the back too!
This is our lovely magnolia tree with one of my sons in it!

The flowers only last about 3 weeks and are a lovely pinky white. However this year we have had a really bad frost. It happened 2 days after the magnolia flowers started flowering and totally destroyed them!
Overnight they all turned quite brown and yucky! It is such a shame....roll  on next year! Hope it has not done any long term damage.

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