Friday 17 July 2015

50th school anniverary

It has been 50 years since the childrens school opened its doors and what a celebration they had!!!
First off, all the ex-teachers,  heads and governors were invited to a show in the afternoon....the current head teacher gave a rather long speech about when the school opened and its history and achievements.  It was a very hot day so all the kids were very well behaved sitting in the scorching sun for an hour and a bit!

Year 4, of which my eldest O is part of put on a display of through the decades clothing and telling us what important events happened in their decade. Amazingly they even got my son to sing in front of everyone into a mic!!!!!! How impressed was I????

The celebrations went on into the evening and as you can see the Diva was having a lovely time with her friend....My lot are normally upstairs in bed by 7pm, but we actually stayed out with them till 10pm!!!! They were a little tired but thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

There was a live band, a magic show and lots of free kids entertainment throughout the evening.

Again year 4 were brilliant....they decided to get the spare cardboard and shared it out and spent a good 3 hours sliding down the banks that are normally out of bounds.....even some of the teachers had a go...and the head teacher was watching and said it was nice to see them inventing fun games and not stuck in front of a screen! The grass will grow back!

This was such a fun occasion, enjoyed by so many families. I do hope they do it again.

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