Wednesday 29 July 2015


Well, you can tell the holidays are in full swing as I have not been able to keep up regular postings.....apologies for the next 6 weeks....posts will be fairly erratic but should be back on track by September!
We decided that in the first week of the break we would take a trip to the coast and stay with my mum. This gives both me and the kids a bit of a chance to relax and enjoy different surroundings (and being cooked for!!!) The weather was not that great but we still managed a few trips to the beach and a trip to Hastings to visit the smugglers caves.I have always heard of these but never actually been there so it was new for all of us. The kids really enjoyed it, although the Diva was pretty scared as we went further and further down into the dark depths!
She and her brothers all enjoyed the beach afterwards though....

The tide was on the way in but they still had fun on a few rocks in the shallow waters...

At least I knew if worst came to the worst I could get wet and fetch them all out very easily!

It was lovely to get away and we managed to do a couple of the things that were on our list of things to do this summer!

We spent a lot of time collecting stones as well....naughty but in the end I only actually let them each bring 3 home! However, if they found pretty shells these we could bring home. I was on a mission looking for stones with holes to tie together once we got home....something I will now have to get on with or they will end up in the garden!

The first week was a great success and I hope the rest of the break is as fun.

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