Monday 8 December 2014

Decorations Day!

At my kids school they have a Decorations Day (really only a morning). It is fantastic! Basically the parents get to sign up for a session: before or after first break or both, then they go in and are allocated a table of pure heaven! Glue, glitter and paint abound! Scary for some but its in school time and the kids are all great with it. This year I signed up for the first session in reception class (age 4-5) and after break for year 1 (age 5-6). I duly went along and was put on the pot table. The children had all painted a papier mache pot earlier in the week in gold or silver, all I had to do was find their pots,tick their names off and get them to sit down and choose 10 gems and stick them onto their pots with PVA glue.

As you can see the table was laid with a vinyl cloth and glue pots were there so I simply sprinkled the jewels around so they could choose when they sat down without taking the whole pot!

The finished pots were then left to dry off...some were very precise in where they put the jewels, others jst clumped them all together. Overall they were great though! I loved going in to help, the little Diva loved me going in too!

After break in A's class I helped again on a rather messy table, painting a branch with some robins on! Using their fingers!!!!!! This I thought would be a little more tricky but we had it going really well and got through quite a few of the children. I did not take any photos of this as the children were all in the class and you are not allowed to photograph them nowadays. 
Here are some more pictures of the reception class though....I snuck in at break time to take pics of what they had been doing!

Christmas Tree cards for their parents.

Stockings that they are going to write christmas lists on the other side of..

Curly wurly pipe cleaner decorations....think I may get her to make some more of these to go on Christmas presents!

and you can just about see the reindeers that were made by drawing around their hands and feet and sticking it all together!

I had a great morning there and all the kids loved having their parents in for the morning! Some of the girls were even crying after break time when their mums had to go!!!

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