Thursday 27 February 2014

Wedding Cake (Towel Hamper Cake)

I was asked to do a 'Wedding Cake' out of a towel bale for a friend's daughters wedding present... I searched high and low to find a competitively priced bale of towel including a Bath Sheet! Eventually I found what I was looking for in John Lewis. I had also been told that the theme was butterflies and the said daughter liked Hot Pink! Given this I found some fantastic bright pink butterflies and matching ribbon with which to secure the towels.
The end product....

Excuse the mess surrounding it! I was very happy with this...
and the final product with the cello wrap...

My friend was very happy with it too....apparently several of the guests actually thought it was THE wedding cake too!!!! The bride loved it so that makes everyone happy!

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Seed Trays

Well...I managed to get 2 trays planted up with some seeds...Radishes and Aubrieta. I save the plastic trays that tomatoes come in throughout the year, then use them all come spring (eventually) for planting...they have holes in the bottom so the only issue is keeping a pad of newspaper underneath so window sills remain clean.

I also managed to pot up the three spider plants that I managed to get off a friend...I haven't seen spider plants for soo long and they are sooooo easy to look after! Hopefully I won't kill them!!

While we were in the garden I also managed to get a couple of pictures of the crocus' in the garden at the minute....they are lovely...

The yellow ones are underneath our crab apple tree and look so lovely there..a sure sign that warmer days are just around the corner!

Monday 24 February 2014

Hand Painted Glass Jar

I have started revisiting my glass painting. I found all my old paints ( of which several I need to buy more!) and my stash of glassware retrived from the attic, and made a start!

This one has my personal clematis flower on it and some of my butterflies! These used to be one of my favourite designs to it seemed to be a good place to start...I will be selling (hopefully) a whole range of new glass items at my next fair that is booked for 15th March!!!!
I think I had better get painting and making a bit more!!!!

Another Nappy Cake!

This is a single tier neutral Nappy (baby) cake hamper...It is sitting waiting to be purchased in Burgess Hill at Tinkerbells! Am selling it for just £25, and the elephant is lovely! 

Last weekend of Half Term

     We have just agreed that I should change up some of my Tesco vouchers to have a meal out at Prezzo for the last day of the holidays (sunday). I have just been doing this now.(along with the weekly on-line shop!)..think will make the kiddies lunch now then try and persuade them to come in the garden as I have a lot of seeds I would like to pot asap!

Saturday 22 February 2014

Mini Nappy Cakes (or Baby Hamper Cakes as I prefer to call them!)

I have recently made a batch of mini cakes to cater for those that like the style of my larger Nappy Cakes, but cannot afford to buy one....

They are all 'served' on a plastic plate and come with: 7 Pampers Nappies, 1 Muslin Cloth, 1 Plush Toy, 1 bar of Johnson's Baby Soap and a Weaning Spoon! All this for just £10!!!! Tinkerbells, in Burgess Hill, who sells my Baby Cakes has taken stock of these, so fingers crossed they will fly out. 

Friday 21 February 2014

Finally out in the garden!!!

We finally got out in the husband is going to paint the 3 strips of fence at the back of the garden this week! Am desperately waiting for the shrubs we put in last year to put on some the minute they are about knee high, but will eventually (5years) reach about 2.5meters tall! It will make such a difference to the garden which at the minute is a bit boring. We have fruit trees at the back which are lovely in the late summer and spring (blossoms) Will take blossom pictures as they come out!

These are a couple of the mini bearded Iris that I planted last summer on the new bank. There are about 20/30 of them...although I did plant about 100! They look nice even from inside....there are also lots of crocus plants around too at the minute.  

Half Term Bugs Tuesday!

Big Fat Pants!! Is all I can really say! I have been hit by some dizzy/headachy/sore throat bug that has enabled me to do precisely zilch so far this half term! However I am now on the mend...just talking very quietly...we have a playdate for my older son coming in half an hour...they want to create a den in the playroom and play board games in it with chocolate spread sandwiches and milkshake. My younger son is then going to a friends for a playdate in an hours time.
At the moment they are blissfully happy with homemade playdoh in the kitchen! Yippee!!!

Half Term Hols

           Well, being ill for the first few days of the holiday was bad luck! However, we have managed to have fun since: on Wednesday I managed to jump out of bed with a spring in my's the sunshine...finally out! We decided to go for a walk on the beach in Worthing, plus sausage and chips in a chippie! YumYum.
It was not windy at all and all the kids managed to stay dry....shame about their mother though who landed up with soggy trainers, luckily the sun was out and so they dried quite quickly.
It actually looks colder in the picture than it was! Its a picture of my darling husband and two younger children. Daddy just loves carrying Eeyore everywhere!!!!

We also brought a couple of stones home each to paint but have not gotten around to that yet!

Thursday saw a chess friend coming around to play....and his mum and dad...a great afternoon was had by all.

And today I dragged the kids for another session at the beach, this time with their cousins. In total there were 7 kids! They had such fun on the beach and mummy managed to stay dry this time...unlike the 3 older boys who all went back to Grandmas house soaking. Again the sun was out so it did not feel too cold at all!

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Nice Casserole!

 Managed to get a nice casserole done the other day, complete with homemade dumplings!...even the kids ate it all up!!! served it with mange toute peas and green beans ( I call all green beans runner beans and the little ones still believe they can run faster after eating them!!! Middle son is also convinced that ice cream will slow him down...I had nothing to do with that one!)

I don't DO New Years Resolutions...but....I do sit down and make myself a list of things I would like to do this year. This year one of the things was to try new recipes more often. I am not doing badly so far...every time the supermarkets do there new monthly free magazines I pick them up and try at least one meal from them. January and February down...

Friday 14 February 2014

Half Term!!!!

What more can I say! Normally I love the thought of the holidays, but with all the rain we've been having...what to do??
My list of holiday things to do consists mainly of outdoor activities. I will have to be very resourceful and think of some great indoor activities to draw the boys away from the lure of the X-Box...

Let me think now..... Creating a HUGE tissue paper rainbow to encourage the sum out!
                                 A word/letter search around the house.
                                 Major tidy of the playroom

Oh well...its a start! We are also going to visit my cousin one day and going to Eastbourne to see some other cousins another day.

I will attempt to be more active posting on here and taking plenty of pics as we do/make things

Happy Valentines!

Yes, it is that time of year again....Valentines....
Now myself and dear husband do not give gifts or cards on Valentines Day, but the kids still like to create and what better reason than to decorate with pink and hearts!
     The little princess and I made these wonderful heart chains to decorate her bedroom...she requested that they go around her light like this. We made them by cutting coloured paper into inch wide strips then stapling them together and bending them around to form a heart while joining the next one on! I think they are quite effective myself.
     She also wanted to do a caterpillar in hearts:
So, while I cut out hearts in various Valentiney paper, she stucj them down, then added a face at one end and legs along the bottom...very cute!

Thursday 6 February 2014

A Bit of Kiddy Art

Well, managed to get the casserole done...husband loved it, kids ate it but did not seem overly impressed...they much prefer fish fingers and bits like that!
      Also managed to do a little art work with Princess

She enjoyed painting some large stones that we found from the beach last year....would be nice to see some rainbows in the sky at the moment rather than just rain.
She seems to have a thing about rainbows atm and has requested a rainbow cake for her July! Well...she may change her mind by then!

House work!!!!

Thursday today....Little girl at pre-school, one boy off sick....trying to get some of the housework done and some casserole made up for tonight!
Little girl ( will call her Princess!!) helping to grate the cheese for her wraps last night...what a big girl! She loves dressing up as Snow White!

Am going to have to try and make up an Easter kids Hamper for my next fair....I have one booked now for March 15th at Chelwood Gate in Sussex...Hopefully people will be out for Mothers Day and Easter gifts.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Julia's Coffee Morning!

Here is a picture of my table at Julias house last week....she had a massive turn out!

And these are Julia's Posh Pots:
They are really lovely....she does a range of designs and her stash of napkins to cut up is HUGE!!!!

I have been really manic this week....lots of play dates...dressing up....painting....
And today my middle son is off school as he kept me awake half the night coughing!
Yesterday, after our playdate left and before going to get the boys from school, we went in the garden...freezing....and planted some tulip bulbs that I forgot I had. I hope it is not too late for them...will post a picture if they come up! At least they are getting plenty of rain today though.

Also I have started making my daughter a latch hook rug for her bedroom (when I get around to decorating it) All I can say is it is SOOOO PINK!
Will take a pic of how far I have got tomorrow!

Saturday 1 February 2014

Coffee Morning

Many thanks to my friend Julia for hosting an 'at home' event and inviting me along! I will find time to post a picture later but her turnout was amazing....we could not move at one point. It is well worth having at at home event as you never know how many people are going to turn up.