Wednesday 5 February 2014

Julia's Coffee Morning!

Here is a picture of my table at Julias house last week....she had a massive turn out!

And these are Julia's Posh Pots:
They are really lovely....she does a range of designs and her stash of napkins to cut up is HUGE!!!!

I have been really manic this week....lots of play dates...dressing up....painting....
And today my middle son is off school as he kept me awake half the night coughing!
Yesterday, after our playdate left and before going to get the boys from school, we went in the garden...freezing....and planted some tulip bulbs that I forgot I had. I hope it is not too late for them...will post a picture if they come up! At least they are getting plenty of rain today though.

Also I have started making my daughter a latch hook rug for her bedroom (when I get around to decorating it) All I can say is it is SOOOO PINK!
Will take a pic of how far I have got tomorrow!

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