Wednesday 26 March 2014

Giant Chess!

Both of my boys are well into their chess and as I had such a huge amount of recycling that I had been saving for in the hols..( always something to do then)...we had better get busy and use some of it to make a giant chess board.

After the 3 monkeys had finished sorting out different shapes, ( all we needed really were the loo rolls and the kitchen towel rolls) we set to work cutting the rolls to various shapes as becomes a chess set....the kitchen towel rolls were obviously the kings and queens, then they were cut a bit further and to shape for the bishops, knights and rooks. Loo rolls were just left as they were for the pawns.
Then came the messy job of the kids choosing their colours and painting their you can see they chose red and yellow.
I cut squares of coloured paper and taped them together to make the board and ......HEY PRESTO a homemade chess set and a couple of hours of fun!

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