Friday 14 March 2014

Latch Hook Rug

Well, as I have said previously I have started a latch hook rug for my little girl! I am re-doing her bedroom this year and with the planned cream walls we need to inject some of her favourite colour into the room- PINK!!!!! What little princess does not like pink?

I have previously made one of these rugs for my eldest son...while I was pregnant with him, but the two youngest have not yet had one....I know the little princess would have to have a pink it is in progress

It is one with a pre-printed guide to just fill over with the wool so it is quite simple once you get used to how to use the latch hook!

For my middle son, I am still looking for a reasonably priced Eeyore designed one...they are all so expensive though, so if I don't find one before the summer hols I think I may try and design my own...mmmm...might have to think on that one!

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