Tuesday 1 July 2014

Ice melting and Play

When a friend of the Princess came around the other day I had made a large block of ice in an icecream tub, and put a few toys in it for them to dig out. As it turns out, the ice was too hard for them to break up so I got htem some food colouring and salt and let them loose.....

They mostly stuck to girly pink and purple colours but did add some black eventually. This was good for learning what colours do when they are mixed together. They also decided to put bits of the melted ice colours into the bowl of salt ...

They loved how the salt went a different texture and the Princesses friend kept putting her hands into it and saying how strange it felt.

They noticed that as the ice melts it creates little rivers of colour running down onto the table.

Eventually they simply emptied the entire bowl of salt all over the ice cube....

They were fascinated that the black food colouring turned the ice a green colour! Very pretty melting puddle! So easy to wash down with the hose after too...if you try this activity don't put it on the grass....the salt will kill it! 

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