Monday 28 July 2014

Mummy's Mad Monday!

               One thing from the Summer Bucket List that I did the other week....Mummy's Mad Monday!We were due to have 8 friends over plus my 3, however as it turned out, 2 of the friends could not had a leaky house after all these heavy downpours we have been having and the other was late back from visiting a 6 friends and my 3.

              The older boys were happy playing on the Xbox, then having a game of football in the garden ( they even let my younger son and a girl his age play!!) Then in for icing biscuits and back on the Xbox till their parents came to get them....oh yes and lunch was provided in the middle!

The little ones also enjoyed icing their biscuits after lunch and a quick play in the garden while the sun came out (finally)

The state of the playroom with cars eveywhere, all the dressing up clothes all over the floor and 2 happy kids playing with the marble run! Always have a marble run up when you have visitors is my advise...they love it!

The younger ones enjoyed playing with the cars, the trainset, sticking, gluing and making a general mess. It was nice to be able to sit down with the mums of the younger two who stayed and have a chat. I tidied the kitchen as we went along so at the end of the day it was only the playroom that needed a  tidy. Happy Days.

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