Wednesday 23 July 2014

Last day of School!

It's Wednesday and it is the last day of school before they break up for the summer!! YIPPEE!!!! I, for one can't wait...I think I may be even more excited than the kids. I think they are having a games day at school today...bring in your own games and play day. While the boys are at school, I will be going to the gym then taking the Diva horse riding. Then home for lunch and hoover the car out and get the boys and pop to Sainsburys (or ice cream van if its there) and get some Ice Creams or Ice Lollies of their choosing.

I have already been mad enough to arrange a Mummys' Mad Monday for the 28th July....9 children around to play plus my 3. Lets hope the sun shines on me then they can all play in the garden. Roll on this  afternoon!!!!!!SO EXCITED!!!!! love the holidays with my kids....yes they annoy the hell out of me sometimes but most of the time they are brilliant.

You will have to forgive me if I do not get to post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the hols, what with days out etc I will be busier than usual!...however I will endeavor to post 3 times a week still!!!

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