Wednesday 11 June 2014

Dolls Swings

 We had one of the Princess' friends around to play today. The friend is 4 and the Princess is 3 (almost 4). They decided after lots of dressing up that  they wanted to have a dolly tea party in the garden. So, we got the nice soft blanket out and made some 'pink tea' ie squash, and a plate of grapes and biscuits for them to munch on.

Having filled their tummies they wanted something else to do, so I thought we would try to make some swings for their dolls. I have been meaning to do this for a while, so I gathered the bits needed up. At first I thought shoe box lids would make a good swing but it could not be left in a tree at all in case it rained so I went with some plastic cartons, the sort that tomatos come in, and got some string out too.
The containers already had plenty of holes in them so all I had to do was take them outside a find a tree that was the right size for the girls to swing their dolls off, and tie the containers on the tree!

These worked quite well and the dolls had fun swinging and spinning around, then they got very daring and went climbing in the tree.
The girls even took the toy cd player out so that they had music at the bottom of the garden too! What a party! I left them to it and just got back inside as the Tesco delivery guy arrived! Lucky I didn't miss him, as you cannot hear the bell from the bottom of the garden...must do something about that!

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