Thursday 26 June 2014

SO Much To Do! Crafting evening.

Yesterday, I invited 4 friends around to come and use up some of my crafting stash....I refuse to buy too much more till I get rid of some, plus husband wants some space in my craft room for his chess bits....
We had a great time, but did not manage to use up too much at all....everyone went home with some bits though. I learnt how to make friendship bands too, never learnt when I was younger. I will have to teach my kids when they are a little older. So, when the alarm went off this morning I was not happy and DID NOT want to get up. The princess jumped up and down on us though and got me out of bed.
She even dragged me to the gym straight after taking the boys to school....I am going to miss her motivation when she starts school in September.
I think I will have to have some different friends around for another crafting session and get rid of some other bits. Ok, writing that down made me send a text to a group of 4 friends to see when they could make! Hopefully they will all come back with a date. A different and cheap mummies night out!

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