Wednesday 28 January 2015


The kids all like and eat my homemade fishcakes! To make you simple boil up and mash some Maris Piper potatoes....I have always found this variety to be particularly good for mash! and roast!

Once you had well and truly smashed the potatoes you drain a tin of tuna. I always use the tuna in spring water...I think if it was in brine the flavour would be too heavy. Once it is drained you add and mix into the potatoes....

Then I simply fill a plate with some homemade breadcrumbs and pat the fishcake out to a fishcake shape and press down so it gets coated in breadcrumbs....

As you can see we get through a fair few of these!

Then you lightly fry them....everything is cooked and edible anyway so it does not matter how much time is spent frying....just till they are golden do have to be careful lifting them out that they do not break up...but they are pretty hardy!

Yum Yum....this is how the kids like them....served with oven chips and a load of veg...

I hope you enjoy this simple really is very easy to make.

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