Sunday 25 January 2015

More Sale buys!

As I said before I don't usually go into the shops looking for sale bargains....(I cannot believe there were still Christmas sale products on display!!!).it is only a bargain if you really want or need it after all! However, I needed to go into the 99p shop to get some more envelopes and I just happened to notice that they had an isle of reduced Christmas stock....all 50p!!! I could not resist a looky and this is what I got....

The 20 Clear Fairy Lights are battery operated and will go nicely on my Christmas stalls, also I saw people wearing them!!!!! FANTASTIC IDEA! The candle snowmen and Father Christmas's were very cute at 10p each candle a bargain too! the Giant bells I am not sure what I will do with but they look great.

And if I get into gear to make Cards this year these may come in handy....I do like traditional colours at Chrsitmas, or just red and white. If I do not use them I will let the kids and their friends make some cards on a playdate.

The wreathes are great, although they are not huge once I take off the snowman and the sign I will embellish to my hearts content. I may even keep the snowmen and signs as they are wooden and are quite cute again.

More small jingle bells and some crafting shapes for the kids to use.
All in all, more expensive than I planned my trip to the 99p shop to be, but what a lot of bargains!

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