Monday 5 January 2015

New Year's list

Every New Year, over the Christmas period, my husband and I spend an evening sitting together with a nice fire going and make a list of what we would like to achieve/try in the New Year. They are not resolutions as such but things to try. 

I thought I would start to make a list on here! Lucky you!

1) Learn how to use my sewing machine more!!!!

2) Try out one new meal receipe  every week...any more often and I think there would be a lot of grumpy children around the house! And try to make more veggie food!

3) Try to find some kind of employment that fits in with the school hours ie 10-2! Isn't everyone??

4)Go to Curves ( the gym I use) at least 3 times a week.

5) Sort out the garage

6) Make all my Christmas cards this year...I did a lot last year but needed to resort to brought ones for the last few!

7) Make nice concrete stones for gifts this year....

8) Clear up the study...I use this as my craft room along with husband using it for his chess bits.

9) Get rid of 10 things every week....that would be 520 things gone by the end of the year.

10) Try not to shout as much as I encourages the children to shout too!

10 things to try and get done/learn/do, we will see how I go!

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