Friday 6 March 2015

10 Things a Week continues!

As per the title of this post, my quest to banish the clutter continues. I know I have not posted about this for a couple of weeks with the excitement of the garden center and all but I promise I have still being doing my 10 things a week.  This week I have found a  random selection of stuff that was in various places throughout the house. Maybe the lightbulb, which does not actually fit any of our sockets any more, will go in the bin, the rest will be donated to the charity shop.

It is amazing how this is such a simple and quick way to start if you find decluttering the whole house a bit daunting! Just take a look in your kitchen cupboards, for instance, there are probably a few items in there that are well past ANY dates that are printed on them! Or in your wardrobe, there are sure to be a few things, which if we are honest we will NEVER fit into again, or have a few too many holes to be decent. Give it a try and it makes you feel like you have achieved something for the week.

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