Monday 24 November 2014

Jolly Juice

I cannot believe that I have missed 2 excuse is how rubbish I was feeling. We are not used to any type of weather in England so when it gets a bit chilly my nose knows it and has a full blown horrid cold and sore throat. Not fair. However, despite the ice on the car this am it is warming up nicely now and I am even comtemplating getting in the garden and putting the garlic and onion sets in for the winter! Go me!!! However, I did do this a couple of weeks ago before my Open House....
 I found some inspiration on Pinterest for these wonderfully jolly Jolly Juice glasses! They were very simple to paint. I use Pebeo 360 Vitrail paints so that they can be cooked in the oven and made dishwasher safe. I painted the stems one evening, then the following day when the stems had dried, I wrote with an outliner and did the wires of the lights too, and after about half an hour this had dried and I was able to use a cotton wool bud dipped in the paint to create the lightbulbs! 

I can think of a few people that this might bring a smile to at Christmas! At my Open House Day I sold 3 of these so will have to get some more wine glasses to make for gifts too! 

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