Thursday 13 November 2014

More reindeer pictures

Am still so tired from all the makes and cooking I have been doing this last week, but as always I managed to find a bit of time to do some quick crafting!
As the other half really liked my reindeer pictures I decided to go all out and make some more with the rest of the frames that I got cheaply. It took about 15 minutes to cut each reindeer out with an Exacto knife, then it was simply choosing a paper to put behind and gluing the reindeer in place.

Not entirely sure why all my pictures have a slightly yellow tinge but that is my camera for you! Not the best and 9 years old at that!

I like these bottom ones best I think..especially the squares in red and white, very nordic! That I think is all my cheap frames used up! One more fair to go, so lets hope that they sell out!

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