Monday 2 February 2015

Cakes for the school Bake Sale.

BBBrrrrrr...its cold outside today and no matter what I do I cannot seem to warm up! 
The PTA have come up with an alternative to the tuck shop that they have always had once a term, the Bake Sale...All the parents from a set year-group bake and sell the there are 6 years there is a bake sale every half term, which is just about alright...any more and I think people would get sick of it.

As you can see, our baking was simple and it seems, what the kids want....simple fairy cakes with a load of icing and chocolate on top!

I saw somewhere an idea for using cardboard cereal packets as boxes to transport cakes and copied the idea. The boxes held quite a few and can be recycled by the school! All of these cakes went fairly quickly in the sale, where we had a blanket price of 50p a cake. (keep it simple so people just have to have a 50p)
Will have to save more boxes for next half term when it  is another one of my kids classes! Feel a bit warmer with the oven been on!

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