Wednesday 25 February 2015

Guest blogg

I am one very proud Mummy! My little A came home from school with a certificate and a letter saying that a poem that he had done at school had been put forward and was going to be published in a childrens poetry book! What a little love.

Here is his masterpiece, aged 5 when it was done.

My Senses.

Orange leaves
Banging fireworks
Hot soup
Brown conkers
Hot Bonfire.

I have already given permission for it to be used but as such I really feel that I should buy the book too! However, at £14.99 it is a lot of money....I was expecting £5.99 or similar....but I will bite the bullet and buy it I think. He will always have it then and you never know, he may go on to be a budding poet of some sort just like his great aunt!

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