Wednesday 3 September 2014

Autumn list

Well it was the last day of the summer holidays today, so what did we do? We had a mega fun day meeting up with some friends in sunny Eastbourne where the kids happily played for 4 HOURS!!!!! at Treasure Island on the beach, followed by ice cream at our favourite place 'Thayers' on Seaside Road, then onto the beach for a bit of stone throwing and a carvery on the way home. I have 3 VERY tired out children...YIPPEE. We all had a fantastical day and all the kids have enjoyed their summer holidays....lets just hope they wake up eager to get back to school.
I have managed to fill a whole page already of things around the house/garden that I need to concentrate on this autumn. As the diva is starting school this September, I will apparently have SOOOO much time on my hands and when will I get a job?? Well, when I showed my husband my list he shut up!
Apart from all the interior bits there is the garden.... I really really want to make a nice composting area. I know, it is not the best job in the world or one that everyone will see and say wow that's amazing!'s a compost heap! But judge for yourself......this is our current arrangement/mess:

It needs a good sort out then I want to build a three bin system out of crates or something. We shall have to see how that goes and I will be reporting....however there are loads of other things that re on my list that my husband will appreciate more!

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