Friday 12 September 2014

Glitter Magnets - Part 2

The magnets have all dried and had there coatings of varnish to help retain the glitter a little better. Next up was attaching magnets to the back, which I did take a picture of but then somehow managed to delete it before it got as far as this page! Doh!
However, I managed to get photos of the finish product up before deleting by accident! Woohoo for me. I just use whichever cardstock I have in, in a colour that sort of matches what I am trying to do. I do some faux stitching around the edges then write Just for you on it in a fancy type of writing. I did start by writing more seasonal messages such as 'Merry Christmas' 'Seasons Greetings' etc but the number of people that came up NOT wanting to use them as Christmas gifts I decided that 'Just for You' was more generic.
Add a couple of dots and stickers and hey presto...all  done for my Christmas fairs. I think I shall be making a lot more as these always tend to be one of my best sellers at about £1.50 per pack.

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