Monday 15 September 2014

First batch of jam

A couple of days ago our neighbour came around with a couple of punnets of damsons for us. They have been sitting on the side for 2 days now and if I do not do something with them soon they will be heading for the bin all mouldy. Jam it is then! I have one of those huge jam making pans ( that my kindly neighbour also gave me) so in they went, along with one escapee plum from our fruit bowl that needed to be gone.

I cooked them all up with a couple of pints of water till they were soft, then took all the stones out. Well.....I HOPE I took all the stones out!!! I did not count how many damsons there were so who knows? I took out a huge amount of stones anyhow. Then everything else went back onto boil....along with some sugar. I do not use that special jam making sugar that you can get, I stick to the simple white granulated stuff, and boiled till it reached setting point. Decanted into pots that I have been saving and hey presto.....some jam.....may give some to relations for Christmas presents too!

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