Sunday 7 September 2014


What a weekend! Lovely weather here still so we were able to get into the garden. The boys all had a chess tournament on saturday and training on sunday. So the diva and I decided to tag along to the training day on sunday, it was quite nice, in a local private school so the playground was fantastic ( more like a park) and we enjoyed a lovely BBQ to boot! On Saturday the Diva and I went swimming and then came home to try some baking out. Now I have never, yes you have read correctly.....I have NEVER made brownies before. I am not sure why, maybe just scared as people always say how hard it is to get them to come out nicely. But my middle child, I think I shall call him A from now on, has decided that he would quite like a Minecraft party for his birthday this year, and I thought that brownies would make a good base for making a square blocks cake! So I had better start to practise making brownies NOW!
I think they came out ok, all be it a little lop sided, they tasted GREAT! Even my husband was a fan. I think I shall be making more of these...not sure about using them for A's birthday though as he said he preferred some watermelon!!!! Kids...who would have them!

Now the reciepe was one that I got through the door from Macmillan Cancer Support. I did have to exchange a few of the ingredients as I realised at the last minute that I did not have some of the things!

150g dark Chocolate (I used milk chocolate!)
150g unsalted butter ( I used Pure Margarine as we have intoleraces in the family)
100g Pecans ( I used Walnuts)
3 eggs
225g light muscovado sugar ( I used dark muscovado sugar and white granulated)
1 tsp Vanilla extract
100g Plain flour.

Mix chocolate and butter over heat, add nuts. 
Whisk eggs sugar and vanilla till smooth, fold in chocolate mix.
Bake at gas mark 4 for 20-25 minutes.

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