Wednesday 21 May 2014

Fairy House

I used to have a bit of an obsession with fairies and I think it is coming back! I have seen some really sweet little fairy doors online and could not resist buying one of Ebay. I then got some No more Nails and glued it to the back fence quite low down.A couple of broken bricks act as steps for the fairies. I then left it to see how long it would take the kids to notice it.
After a week, my excitement got the better of me and I told them that I though I had seen something moving by the back fence and sent them all merrily down to look....They were SO EXCITED to find the fairy door. Although a little puzzled as to why it did not actually open....the fairies keep it locked!

The Princess keeps one of her toy fairies there now to try and entice the real fairies out!

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