Thursday 15 May 2014

WHoops! I missed one!

Oh dear, I missed yesterday's post....kept thinking it was any other day of the week and then landed up totally forgetting! To much to do!
I am hosting an open house this eve and tomorrow am so am supposed to be busy getting things ready and sorted. I have not yet actually heard from anyone that they ARE coming this eve and one set of year mums are out tonight anyway. But, tomorrow should be busy. I have even borrowed a dozen mugs from a friend as last time I did this I ran out of cups and mugs and people had to wait for a cup to become free for a embarrassing. So, I have plenty of cups!
What I have to do quickly is make four Pints of Socks....I will take a pic or pics as I go along for this and post tomorrow along with a pic of the event. Fingers crossed that tomorrow is a full house.

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