Wednesday 7 May 2014

shaving gel play

 Its of only 2 days that the princess is at home all day.....forecast not brilliant. So we managed to get in the garden and plant out some of the runner beans that have been waiting for it and sow some of the peas that we have had waiting too. Then when it got a bit wet we came inside and I decided to do something different with the Princess....foam play.
I have seen so many people on Pinterest using shaving cream as a form of sensory play. Now the Princess is a little old maybe for that but it looked like fun. So, we hunted in the bathroom and found that daddy did not have any shaving foam, but he did have shaving gel! We decided to use this instead.
We filled a container with it and added a little food colouring in pink (of course)
At first the texture put her off a little but she decided to persist and in the end thought it was great fun to swirl it all around. 
We also boiled some tapioca up to use as water bead type of things, we added quite a bit of purple food colouring to this as you can see. We called it Gloop. She quite liked picking it up though and putting it in the shaving gel and mixing it up.
It was very weird if you ask me, but Princess loved it! It occupied her for about an hour this morning. I doubt that she would play with it for that long again, but you never know. I may try freezing it and see what happens....will keep you posted.

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