Thursday 8 May 2014

Thursday post?!?!?!

I know, I know, I do not normally post on a Thursday, but I have a spare couple of minutes (or rather need to sit for a couple of minutes and this is a good excuse!)...
Its raining again today! Having dropped the boys at school, gone to the library with the Princess, then dropped her off at pre-school, I went to my new gym!!!!! I seriously need to loose some weight....not eating may help, but more sensibly going and exercising will help! I joined a couple of weeks ago when I got a call saying that I had won a free month at Curves Gym in town by filling in a form the previous day at was a sign....get fit NOW!!!! So, yes, I am not some super slim yummy mummy.......yet, but a work in progress....hide the kids sweets away and any baking that I do....I love baking...but love eating it too!
Right it is now 11.30am and I have two and a half more hours before collecting the Princess, sorting out a pre-school issue that has come up (i am secretary for the committee!), then going and taking the boys to chess club whilst trying to get the Princess to be quiet while we are there...I can't leave her anywhere after all! Sometimes we do wish that we lived closer to some relatives!
Ok, kettle boiled, going to have a cuppa and then tidy up as we are holding a poker night here tomorrow for a group of friends....should be entertaining...have already told hubby that I will not be drinking as it;s a nightmare looking after the kids with a hangover....sure most people would agree to this!

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