Friday 9 May 2014

New Patio Set!

OK,So its Friday and so far at 11am I have taken the boys to school and the princess to nursery, gone to the gym, cleaned the windows inside and out, and had the hairdresser around for a cut! To do: Mop the floors in kitchen diner and bathroom, clean the charis around the table, pick everyone up, take middle boy for his swimming lesson, watch older son in his sharing assembly, decide what to cook and cook supper, shopping online to come on sunday, and at 8 we have friends coming for a fun Poker Night! To top it off I have one my my huge migraine type headaches coming and cannot take anything for it due to a liver condition I had a couple of years ago....ARGGGGGHHHH!!!!
Anyways, to get to the subject title....The new patio set...
Well, maybe not quite new, but new to us! A friend is moving soon and insists that she will not use her old patio set, which is a wooden one, so when she offered it to us I said YES PLEASE!
It did need a bit of work to it though:

This is the table, and as you can probably see the paintwork is very old and it needs a good sand down and repaint.
So, one sunny day last week, me and the Princess decided that we would make a start and do it. As you can see she got stuck into it and loved helping to paint the new table and chairs!

With her old Tshirt and leggings she was getting right into painting!
And when we had finished,because it was suck a lovely day the whole set dried off in a couple of hours! So we put it in place on the patio and waited for Daddy to come home. When he did it was the Princess who dragged him very proudly out to see what she had been doing all day!

We just need to have some visitors around now!
The set looks like new.

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